Wednesday 25 June 2014

5 Gym Gold Nuggets

1. Crush the bar.

No matter what the lift wether it's flat bench, dead-lifts or cleans upon first touch of the iron rod get a grip as if you're trying to crush a soda can. This excites your nervous system, and causes receptors/motor units to prepare your body for the lift.

2. Attitude is a choice!

I've trained a few athletes/clients who've come to me saying they're having a below par (sh#t) day. The thing is if you have one of these days on match day you still have to rise to the occasion. Best thing to do is rate your day with a percentage, let's say it’s a 60% day, make it your best 60% day possible... You could go for the same program thats been set out on that given day but lessen the volume of work.

You never know might just surprise yourself!

3. What is your Underlying Motive!

This is probably the most important factor to acknowledge in terms of getting the best results possible. I see so many clueless zombies approaching the gym with no goal, no motive or direction. You have to want and know the end result you’re trying to achieve. 

The most common answer I get is "I want to tone up and lose weight" ummm hello, slap yourself immediately! 

Here's some real motives:

My husband left me, I have low self confidence and I want to look great at my best friends wedding in 4months. (ok that took some digging). 

I want to walk again. (She did)! (after 6months and medical practitioners had written her chances off).

I feel insecure in the changing rooms around other players and I want to improve my athletism so I don't get cut from the team. 

PecsandtitsSoz not soz...

4. Always Build Strength and Fitness on a Solid Foundation.

If you have achy joints, dodgy posture, muscle imbalances, reoccurring injures etc You need to work on these areas before trying out complex lifts (such as olympic lifting). This is where many people have failed. Depending on your training age (how many weeks, months, years) you’ve been an athlete or gym goer it is detrimental you do the preparatory work before complex lifting.

A good trainer will always work on form, muscular imbalances and corrective needs prior to flogging a dead horse so to speak!

5. Let Food be thy Medicine.

Fats, Carbs and Protein are all essential nutrients for your body and the way it functions so cutting back will leave you feeling terrible.

Drink plenty of water and ditch the carbonated, sugary or caffienated drinks.

Keep it simple and try to prepare your meals a day ahead so you don’t over indulge or cause mindless eating.

You know what real food is: things that grew in the ground, on a tree, came out of the sea, ran on the land, or flew through the air.  Meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts are all great examples of REAL food.
On top of that, you know what crap food is: food that comes from a drive-thru window, a vending machine, box, bag, or wrapper.  If it has an ingredient list longer than A Game of Thrones, it’s probably not good for you.  If it started out as real food and then went through fourteen steps to get to the point where you’re about to eat it, it’s probably not good for you.

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