Saturday 14 June 2014

10 week transformation

Week 1 of 10 week Transformation
I freaking love my job... I meet people from all walks of life whom all have unique goals and motives for hiring a personal trainer. More than anything I love a challenge. As much as it’s a job for the trainer to plan in order to get results you need a dedicated client that is willing to put in the hard yards and commit to the set plan. When the going gets tough, fatigue sets in you have to remind one of the goal/ end result to ultimately create a NEVER GIVE UP ATTITUDE leaving no room for failure.

Everyone responds to training differently depending on genetics, lifestyle, hormones, sleep patterns, nutrition, stress and age. If you can iron out a few of your vices (namely late boozy nights and junk food) nest up at a decent hour and you might have a chance of succeeding in the gym. Always sort your health out and stress levels before loading physical stress to your system.

Diego (pictured) he loved a night out, his stress levels were rather high and he mainly focussed his workouts on cardio-vascular activities such as running, boxing and classes at his local gym. 

Together we set a challenge of 10weeks to get him ripped and beach body ready. To add a little competitive twist we got his workmates to each pay £100 towards an office biggest loser competition (highly competitive environment) 11 people signed up and the weigh-in commenced. The winner was the person who had the biggest percentage loss of body-fat. (Trainers out there reading, I highly recommend this type of competition in your facility) I’ve never seen the gym so busy!

To Diego's surprise in the first 3 weeks I told him he needed to raise his calorie intake (good calories), ditch the cardio for now and focus on getting strong.

We utilised heavy compound lifts tapering to some isolated muscles in a split program of Anterior Chain/Posterior Chain and Total body dynamic training. 

Example Anterior:
Front Squat. 5/5 (sets/reps)
Flat Bench
Incline Press 
Arnold Press
TRX standing Triceps
Staggered Push ups

Example Posterior:

Conventional Dead lift 5/5 (sets/reps)
Hammer Grip Chins
Kneel b/o Rows
TRX Low Rows
Reverse Flies
21s Curls.

Example Dynamic: A brutal total body circuit which could consist of whatever is available to you on the day. It could be a Modified Strongman session, hill sprints or bringing a piece of equipment like a kettle bell to the park and attempt as many exercises as you can. What I want out of this session is to shock the nervous system and the result is a training stimulus you won’t achieve from conventional gym training.

You can include these as an example.
Sled drags/pushes
Kettle bell swings
Battle ropes
Box jumps
Tire Flips
Leopard Crawls
Farmer Walks

After that training block he'd already packed on a solid 1.5kg lean muscle and shed from 14.5% body fat to 9% even though he was eating a lot more than usual of quality food.

Skin-fold Callipers to ensure a subjective result.

As you can imagine we were both happy by the results so far but we had a long way to go and I didn't want him to lose motivation or fall off the rails. 

I told him to keep doing what he was doing nutrition-wise but we were going to formulate a new training block. This time we went for more of a 8/12 rep range and more total body including super sets to failure.

KB front squats
Joining in on the fun!

To push him along I competed with him during a few of the Dynamic Circuit Training...

Some weight Ab work for icing on the cake in the final week!

Row intervals (Game face).

In the final training block Diego started to deplete his calorie intake in order to lose the last bit of  body fat. We figured if he got to around 8% there was no chance he'd lose the comp.
The session plans in the final weeks were intense, we were super setting and added some blasts of boxing/rowing/sprints etc in the sessions with limited rest periods.


So there you have it he now struts the beaches sporting the bod from god! The hard work paid off and he’s £1100 richer. Final Body fat was Just below 8%. Well done champ!

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