Sunday 7 November 2010

Fitness or Fatness as I see it....

I'm a personal trainer and have helped many people achieve their optimal body composition and to be honest us trainers are merely just the guide,
The people who get the results are the ones who do the homework... Change their lifestyle, practise what they're being taught in the gym... 

The people I see fail simply come to the gym sporadically but no solid routine, never plan their meals and throw whatever comes their way into their system......

I want to set some ground rules.... Be honest with yourself!

You want to lose weight, tone up..... 
How do you think the athletes go out and look there best?
Why do Celebs have great bodies?
and why is the average Joe weighing in about 10kg heavier than he/she should be?

I constantly hear excuses such as limited time, work commitments, past injuries, genetics, boredom.......the list goes on.....

Motivated people don't get bored, they create opportunities to train, they stock their fridge with healthier food options and they always have their goals in mind whilst training....

Ask the question.... why am I doing this run.... why am I working out? once you know the answer to that question see how your intensity changes!

My best workouts are over within the 45min mark 1hour max with stretching, warm up etc..... So the time commitment isn't great.....

What you do need is the right attitude..... Visualise the dream result...... The answer is simple go out and get it!

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