Monday 1 June 2015

REAL SPARTAN WARRIOR (win entry to a Spartan Race in the UK or a signed copy of "Natural Born Heroes".

When the word Spartan is mentioned you may think of the movie 300 where Gerard Butler frolics around sporting killer abs, a badass beard and destroying everything in his path.

All those attributes totally kick butt however aren't necessarily pre-requisites for entering a Spartan Race. They now have added a junior course and you'll see men and women of all shapes, sizes and ethnic backgrounds compete.

One common site at the finish line is smug people bearing a finishers medal and walking (or hobbling) away with the greatest sense of achievement.

Our Spartan team were 10 strong, 7 of which females.  One had never entered a race of any sort and said it was up there with the top of her all time achievements.

The team attended my HIIT class workouts which involved box jumps, burpees, crawling, Kettle bells and TRX training to get them up to pace with the course demands.

The Spartan Sprint medal is great and everyone should be proud of this... But... there is a slightly annoying itch knowing there is still a Super and a Beast to conquer the trifecta and missing medal parts.

With upcoming events in South Wales, Scotland and Manchester there is plenty of opportunity bag the trifecta! use code: BLOGGER15 for 10% off any UK race.

So what does it take to be a Spartan Warrior?

I attended a book launch in the week of the race for Christopher McDougall's new book "Natural Born Heroes". Christopher speaks passionately about natural movement, the role of fascia (connective tissue), elasticity and momentum which was music to my ears. How we've learnt in the past to use our fascial slings (meridians) to our advantage in order to survive and display heroic acts on limited fuel during wars and critical events. Training muscles individually may gain hypertrophy (muscle growth) but in hindsight can cause imbalances or even injuries which sap you dry of energy when it comes to performing functional movements such as climbing, throwing, jumping, lunging and running.
Christopher introduced the Parkour Generations team onto the stage performing crazy flips, hangs, jumps and advanced movements from a makeshift scaffolding frame. Now to most this seems impossible but to them it was effortless and performed without breaking a sweat. This is due to loading the body, training the mind and respecting certain mechanical rules and disciplines to create a efficient and smooth display of athleticism.

I had a light bulb moment and went home to watch youtube clips of Parkour athletes hopping up 10 foot plus walls and how a military rope climb technique means you load your whole body from feet to fingers reach the top without relying on just your grip strength and upper body. All this information is key to completing each obstacle at a Spartan Race without having to do burpees.

Image result for floyd mayweather wood chopping
It's no surprise to see Floyd Mayweather Junior adding hours of woodchopping to his preparation for his recent fight!

I've been taught and inspired by some of the best in the industry including Michol Dalcourt (inventor of the Vipr) to Randy Hetrick (inventor of TRX and ex Navy Seal) and Phil Richards (world class Rugby, Boxing and Football conditioning coach) they all agree that total body dynamic training and work capacity are key to any successful training plan.
Randy Hetrick TRX

Michol Dalcourt VIPR

Phil Richards Performance

Thanks for reading, get out there and attempt new movements and challenges, keep your body guessing... Hell summer is near (in the UK) now is a better time than any!

Reebok Spartan Race UK are giving one of my lucky readers a free entry towards a UK Spartan Race.
To enter follow follow @lukedmarshall and @spartanraceuk on instagram. Take a photo of yourself doing a Spartan style workout using #realspartanwarrior

I also have 2 signed Copies of Christopher Mcdougall's new book "Natural Born Heroes" thanks to Profile Books as part of the giveaway.

I will judge best photo's and winner will be announced on Instagram. 


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