Thursday 13 June 2013

TOUGH MUDDER - More than just a race!

Driving LONDON SOUTH 2013 Tough Mudder bound blasting "eye of the tiger", fist pumping out the window, adrenalin pumped, sporting neon yellow vests and headbands-

We were most certainly in full "fight or flight" mode! 

Months of hill sprints, reptilian crawling, burpees, battle ropes, chins and built up running/cross fitness (not to mention gym based training) we were well equipped challenge ahead!

2nd week training plan, it progressed in volume/intensity throughout the weeks!

Our 14 odd comrades left the comfort of our people movers to what seemed a festival environment only to hike a couple of miles towards the TM registration point.

 It felt like a scene from a world war II movie 

Flesh wounded, fatigued, limping war veterans covered in mud were heading in the opposite direction and us, the fresh recruits, hearts pounding, anxious but exited for the challenge ahead!

I unfortunately bumped into an old Ozzie battler "G'day mate how are ya" bearing 2 pints of cider, muddy facial make up - sporting a grin that reached his ears, he winked and muttered  "YEEEUP glad I'm standing in my shoes and not yours"

 "Nuff sed... Lets do this shit"!

We could hear distant commands, AC/DC blasting and constant Hoorahs, as the 2:15pm soldiers lined up for battle!

Tough Mudder is a  badass 12mile obstacle course of rolling hills, rough terrain, and 21 obstacles to face along journey to the prized Orange Headband that sings VICTORY!

Army tankers offering the sense of military presence 

Deceptively hard yakka, down to a mud pit and inclining up (no time for claustrophobia)!

Funky Monkey
Electro Shock Therapy :/

Everest, some flew, some reached and slid back down, strategically placed after 11miles legs were well heavy!

 The more desired/fun obstacles being; Walk the Plank, Funky Monkey, Island Hopper, Everest and Cage Crawl...

 To the dreaded

  • Electric Eel (crawling through a low barrier with threads of electric cables which are capable of paralysing body parts).
  • Arctic Enema (a skip bin full of icy cold water, then forcing you to duck under a barrier which causes a severe case of ice-cream head ache and borderline hypothermia).
  • Electro Shock Therapy; Good news is you can see the finish line, bad news....  Erm- Electricity! It sent some people face first to the mud as if to be shot by a sniper!

The true sense of camaraderie made the whole TM experience worth while, I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a fresh challenge, it offers everything from team cohesion, mental toughness and physical exertion.

Ultimately after 2hrs being crowned with the trademark Orange Headband you've now earned bragging rights in the office for months to come "Hoorah"!


Tuesday 14 May 2013


Could use a little perking up in the butt department?

Wondering how to initiate the voluptuous curves celebrities sport in their bikini?

Here's a killer butt routine that won't fail to impress!

Famous for her curvaceous booty, Jennifer Lopez is a self proclaimed user of the TRX Suspension Training system!

1) TRX 1 and a Half Suspended Lunge

A killer modification of the Suspended Lunge, with a slight tweak in action, the 1and a 1/2 Suspended Lunge really fires up the Gluts, with a slightly longer time under tension you be recruiting more motors units than the conventional technique!
You set up as a conventional Suspended Lunge in single TRX mode, lower yourself deep stopping just shy of the floor with your back knee, rise up halfway, lower yourself back down before driving up into extension. 

Thats counted as 1 rep.... Aim for 3 sets of 15!

Tennis Players also renown for their sexy behinds, one reason for this is the lateral movement required in the sport.


Tie a dura-band just above your ankles, hold a squat position as shown above...

Set 2 cones 15m apart, move laterally to the opposite cone and return... Repeat this 4 times!

 This will leave your butt screaming for mercy!


Jump Squats are are great way to not only tone the butt, it also allows a great metabolic kick to the workout especially doing them TABATA style. With the explosive nature of the exercise you'll recruit the fast twitch fibres of this powerful hip extensor!

So what is TABATA training?

The best way to perform this is to download a TABATA app on your smart phone, you need to work at 100% for 20 seconds and only allow 10 secs rest. This is to be repeated 8 times! Bombastic results will prevail!

4) DB Sumo Dead-lift Wave Load

For this drill set up three Dumbbells each 2.5kg in weight heavier than the other.
Example: 15, 17.5, 20kg

Then lift reps: 15kg@15 reps, 17.5@12 reps and 20kg@10 reps

Then reverse so: 20kg @ 10 reps, 17.5kg@ 12reps, 15kg@ 15 reps

Repeat that whole sequence three times through!

There you go, try this routine and shape up the rear in time for summer!

Monday 21 January 2013

BREAKING A SWEAT, its alright!

I see the people who say they go to the gym all the time but never see results or get bored and give up! I also see a lot of people walk into the gym with a newspaper or women's weekly magazine. SIMPLE add variety and intensity... mix it up!

I put this circuit together as I wanted a quick get in/get out workout, high intensity and release some endorphins.... Try it out!






Do at least 3 rounds with limited rest, you'll feel like you've achieved something at the end of it! 

Monday 14 January 2013

TIME RESTRAINTS? Use these moves for best results in the gym!

I have always been a fan of getting more bang for your buck when it comes to getting the best results out of the gym!

The most common excuse for skipping training sessions seems to be lack of time. I address this in many  ways but even if you can only get one gym session in a week at least you can still get great results with these compound movements.

Compound exercises (multiple joint movements) are going to recruit more motor units than isolated exercises such as comparing a Dead-lift to bicep curls, so if you're time restricted definitely cut isolated movements/split programming and stick to compound/total body movements.

You will need to cover all realms of movements/patterns i.e multi-plane, anterior/posterior chain and upper body/lower body/core..

A great way to nail this is by following world renown holistic practitioner Paul Chek's primal movement patterns when thinking of program design for this type of training which include; SQUAT, BEND, LUNGE, PUSH, PULL, TWIST movements..

So set up the start of your workout with the most demanding movement and end with least demanding... In this case I will start with the exercise known as the king of exercises the BARBELL DEAD-LIFT!

1) Conventional Barbell dead-lift

Preparatory work may be required for this as many people don't have great posture, flexibility or core strength to perform this exercise correctly and often blame the movement for causing back pain and other issues... My philosophy on that is there is no such thing as a bad a exercise but the way one has qualified themselves for the loading and movement... If you're unsure definitely get your movement assessed by a professional before commencing this lifting technique.

Don't ever go into this movement with a huge ego either as thats the best way to injure yourself, start with lighter loads and build strength endurance (high reps and lighter loads), as you feel your technique improving go heavier with less repetitions (that goes for any loading)...

2) Front Squat

Just like the dead-lift there are quite a few variations to Squatting and all are good done correctly, the reason I like the front squat is the bar loading in front leaves minimal room for forgiveness allowing you to really brush up on your technique, improve your posterior/extensor chain, your core and get nice and deep with the lift! 

Take a nice controlled, slow downward/eccentric phase of the movement and on the up/concentric phase, once you're above the 45 degree mark of knee angle you can drive up into extension nice and quick.

3) Bulgarian Split Squat

Another great lower limb (lunge pattern) movement in which you will reap the rewards of stability, flexibility, posture and have great rollover to function for many sporting activities. 

Lower yourself again in a controlled manner-nice and slowly and ensure good knee-tracking (knee in line with second or third toe). Keep a nice and tall open chest and upper torso posture as shown above!

3) Swiss Ball Standing Bent Over Row

This is a great way to train the upper back musculature. After performing dead-lifts your grip maybe fatigued so ensure you maintain tall upper back posture (no hunching) and keep shoulders depressed (down and away from ears). Avoid shoulder lurching by gliding the scapula (shoulder blade) as first part of movement and opening the chest.

If you want to boost results try super-setting this with chin-ups or TRX low rows to add closed chain into the mix!

4) Standing Cable Push

The great thing about this movement is again the roll over to function, the push exercises whilst sitting on a machine has only one line of motion and switches off a lot of important stabilisers unlike the free motion machine. 

Get yourself into an athletic stance and push the cable right through. Take your time coming back to the start position. 

I like to add a superset of bodyweight pushups as it brings closed chain into the program!

5) Medicine ball Wood Chop

The wood-chop again performed with many variations is a great functional compound movement to add a multi-planar segment to your routine. It will hit the core and every muscle from toe to finger tips so a great way to finish you routine. 

To wrap things up I've been very loose on rep ranges and terminology because the variables such as loading, tempo and rep ranges are specific to the individual and his/her ability. I can guarantee great results with this routine in the gym and many of my personal clients will recognise these go-to exercises from when I've been drilling them into shape! 

Have a very happy and healthy January everyone, lets make 2013 the best year ever and start getting into optimal shape NOW!