Monday 23 July 2012

Preparing for Obstacle Races

A fun new fitness craze thats taking the world by storm is Obstacle Races. These events such as "Survival of the Fittest, Spartan Race, Tough Mudder" etc they are just growing by the masses. Although you have a timing chip on your shoe its more about surviving each obstacle and attacking it in style (usually a penalty is offered to those who can't complete the obstacle such as push ups or burpees).

Its so rewarding to prepare for an event like this and its great to get a team together in case you face tricky patches on the course its better to face it with a little team work, good in the build up in terms of training preparation/ motivation and most importantly fun!
The Spartan Race Team super stoked!

So to prepare for an event what can you expect?

The organisers will try an hit you with every angle so you need to be a well oiled machine, preparation needs to include basically all realms of gym and fitness training.

I love preparing for events like this as you'll never get bored with your training!

Ok so what you expect!

1. Hills:

You can expect to have plenty of up hill sections in an obstacle race, even if there isn't its great preparation for any kind of event, your cadence, strength, speed and mechanics will improve with hill sprints...
Hill sprints in prep work is a must!

2. Reptilian Crawling..
Reptilian Crawl prep work!
Hulya demonstrating a great reptilian crawl!
In the black pool above you either got low in the ice tub avoiding electricity, or you did 30x burpees!

Ok sounds silly but have we forgotten how to crawl?

 I was stuck in this same tunnel as the one above (Hulya coming out of) behind a guy trying to squiggle his way through like a worm, he was huffing and puffing whilst I glided through at hardly any effort?? You can expect various obstacles requiring a functional crawl. The bonus is it has many great benefits such as hip mobilty, core strength (babies actually strengthen their spinal segments and body in preparation for the walking gate through crawling so if you've experienced postural back pain these patterns can be a good exercise to get the spinal segments operating again in a functional manner, will actually get the heart rate up in your circuits also!

3. Rope Training
Obstacle at Spartan Race

TRX Power Rows

Grip strength is a must at these events as we got faced with a vertical rope climb, rope ladders and often  walls ropes are present like the caption above. The surface can be very slippery and so too the rope itself, so plenty of TRX work, Sled pulls, chin ups and battle ropes will help to master these obstacles!
If you live near an indoor rock-climbing wall, why not do a few sessions to enhance your climbing mechanics!
Sled pull from squat position
Battle Ropes

Other than that there will be plenty of surprise obstacles you may be faced with such as military presses with logs, throwing spears at a target, balance beams and sometimes bouncy castles. So challenge your body with variety and limited rest periods. Heres an example Program for your prep work!

3. TRX POWER ROWS 15 EACH SIDE (No TRX? Do 15 chin ups)
4. Barbell DEADLIFT 15 REPS (60kg)
6. 20 PUSH UPS
7. Battle Rope Whips 30 seconds
8. 3MINS INCLINE TREADMILL RUN (can do hill sprints or stairs)

Repeat every exercise no rest during the circuit. Once circuit complete rest 1:30minute and repeat 3 times!

Good Luck!

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