Tuesday 7 June 2011

Look Good Naked

Ok a very hot topic and it can be answered in many ways but I'm going to simplify things a little and create a platform that is easy to stick to and follow.

Ok so you want a six pack,

FACT: To see your six pack you need to get down to at least 10percent body fat. Have you ever seen anyone with a washboard stomach and fat arms?

What I'm trying to say is forget the 1000 sit ups a day rule or "ab king pro" you need to clean out your diet, start an exercise routine and stick to it! Not only that if you're suffering from adrenal fatigue, lack of sleep, malnutrition, stress, oestrogen overload you could simply be holding too much fat round the waistline for any of those reasons (another topic coming soon)!

Your inner unit of the abdominal region is primarily stabilisers for your trunk and spine, these muscles will benefit from big moves such as squats, lunges, dead lifts, push and pull exercises and twist exercises.

 In fact Planks would also be much more beneficial than crunches. So to use your time wisely forget about the isolated moves and work total body. You will recruit way more motor units to you're entire body and get the results you require in less time.

If you're spending over an hour in the gym you're not making muscles but friends!! Keep your strength routine to 45-1hr max and make it more intense with less rest periods.

Same goes for cardio routines, if your workouts are long and slow and you're reading the women's weekly magazine with the treadmill programmed in the fat burning zone... you need to be slapped in the face with a cold fish!! Go for H.I.T.T (high intensity interval training). You will improve fitness much quicker using intervals and you'll burn a lot more calories in a short space of time.

I had a client I taught to run efficiently, I recorded her at her usual pace witnessing her usual patho-mechanics (over striding, over-pronated foot, knee collapsing inwards, hip dropping either side etc OUCH!)... that I see in most people but funnily enough as I sped her up, she started to adapt an athletic running pose. So begin with something like intervals of 2mins High intensity - 30sec rest for a period of 15mins this was enough to give her the best workout she'd had in years.

So to wrap things up briefly train as you mean it, stop chatting on the phone, reading the paper and get on with it!

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