Wednesday 5 January 2011

No gym??? Alternative Training Ideas

Happy New Year everyone!!!

Ok so I'm enjoying the lovely NZ summer at the moment which is quite the opposite to which most of you reading this will be experiencing in the UK.

So todays blog is about some of the fitness routines I've been squeezing in without any use of a gym and minimal gym equipment.

To start with, a lot of my training since I've escaped the snowy UK winter has involved my TRX suspension training system, I've used it on road trips, at the beach, in parks you name it lives up to the "fitness anywhere" slogan!

Combined with hill/stair runs or interval training its a real killer workout. I even enjoy setting 4 evenly spaced cones (approximately 10-15yards apart) and do suicide sprints in between sets. Changing directions, and working on agility will recruit far more muscle fibres than lineal running, will be much more fatiguing and will inspire the sporting prowess in you!

 Above a little TRX/MED BALL/BOSU circuit combined with suicide runs, lunges and hill sprints with a couple of friends. This will combat the xmas pudding any day!

Here's a bit of a hill climb overlooking Mahia beach in New Zealand good view and great way to burn a few calories!

Also to burn off some cheeky calories without the stress of setting up a routine we got involved with some backyard sports such as cricket, badminton, tennis and Volleyball. The rules changed so dropped catches and penalties etc included punishments such as push ups, lunges, jump squats and sit ups.... perfect way to have a fun workout amongst friends and not feel too guilty about a nice glass or two of NZ Sauvignon Blanc afterwards.
